
Published on 11/03/2024 - Updated on 19/04/2024

The implementation of the missions entrusted to the CIVS is based on institutional partnerships established with organizations, public and private. In addition, CIVS takes part in the Network of European Restitution Committees on Nazi-Looted Art. Finally, many organizations contribute to the policies of memory and repair of anti-Semitic spoliations.

Institutional partners

The Mission for the Research and Restitution of Cultural Property Looted between 1933 and 1945 (M2RS) is a department of the Ministry of Culture responsible for steering and leading public policy on research, reparation and remembrance of spoliations of cultural property. Its website provides a presentation of spoliated cultural property and MNR works, historical and legal documentation on spoliations and restitutions and news on the subject.

The ONAC-VG, the National Office for Veterans and Victims of War, provides moral and material support from the State to veterans and also pays compensation decided by the Prime Minister on the recommendation of the CIVS. In addition, the ONAC-VG is responsible for compensation measures for orphans whose parents were victims of anti-Semitic persecution and died in the deportation, instituted by decree no. 2000-657 of 13 July 2000.

Network of European Restitution Committees on Nazi-Looted Art

A network linking five commissions in Europe working to find and return cultural property looted by the Nazis was created in 2019: the Beratende Kommission im Zusammenhang mit der Rückgabe NS-verfolgungsbedingt entzogenen Kulturguts, insbesondere aus jüdischem Besitz (Germany), the Kommission für Provenienzforschung (Austria), the CIVS (France), the Restitutiecommissie (Netherlands) and the Spoliation Advisory Panel (United Kingdom) have come together to enable joint actions and the sharing of information.

Researching looted works of art is a particularly difficult task, and transnational cooperation must help to meet this challenge. This principle was laid down at the International Conference held in London in September 2017. In 2018, the five commissions have decided to put this idea into practice, and have specified the modalities while respecting the specificities of each of the structures. The CIVS has assumed responsibility for this European network in its first year of existence. 

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