Commission for the Compensation of Victims of Spoliation
Resulting from the Anti-Semitic Legislation in Force during the Occupation


Home > The CIVS > News > Death of M. Pierrot Kauffmann, member of the Deliberative Pane
Death of M. Pierrot Kauffmann, member of the Deliberative Pane

Mr. Michel Jeannoutot, president of the CIVS, Mr. Jean-Pierre Le Ridant, director,

Mr. Pierre-Alain Weill, principal rapporteur, members of the Deliberative Panel, rapporteurs and agents of the Commission are sad to announce the death of Mr. Pierrot Kauffmann, member of the Deliberative Panel, who passed away on September, 14th, 2013. Mr. Kauffmann was a member of the Deliberative Panel since 2000.